Take3™ 와 Take3 Trio Micro-Volume plates를 사용하시면 최소 2 μL의 미량 시료를 특수 장비나 희석 없이 바로 신속 정확한 정량을 하실 수 있습니다. Gen5 데이터 분석 소프트웨어를 함께 활용하시면 복잡한 구성이나 계산이 필요치 않아 핵산과 단백질 시료 결과를 쉽고 빠르게 출력하실 수 있습니다.
- Low volume 2 µL nucleic acid and protein quantification
- Pre-programmed protocols in Gen5 Software
- Absorbance and fluorescence detection
- Easy, wipe-off maintenance
- Read 2 µL microspots, BioCells or standard cuvettes
- - Applications -
BioTek의 Epoch, Synergy 및 Cytation 장비에서 Take3 또는 Take3 Trio Micro-Volume Plates를 사용하실 수 있습니다. 최대 48개까지 여러 개의 핵산 또는 단백질 시료 결과를 바로 확인하실 수 있습니다.
Low volume 2 µL nucleic acid and protein quantification
It takes only 2 µL of undiluted sample to get rapid results with the Take3 plate. Choose from the 16-sample Take3 or the 48-sample Take3 for higher throughput. Take3 plates are compatible with most of BioTek’s multi-mode readers, imaging multi-mode readers and microplate spectrophotometers.
Pre-programmed prootcols in Gen5 Software
Gen5’s pre-programmed dsDNA, ssDNA, RNA and protein (BSA, IgG, lysozyme) measurement protocols make getting direct quantitative results quick and easy. Add sample IDs and define blanks if desired. Endpoint results and selectable spectral scans provide quick visual results and are output in convenient .xls, or .xml formats.
Absorbance and fluorescence detection
The Take3 plates aren’t limited to absorbance detection – they are useful for micro-volume fluorescence quantitation as well – with only 2 µL sample volumes. Compatible with many of BioTek’s multi-mode readers and imaging multi-mode readers.
Easy, wipe-off maintenance
Residue and dust can wreak havoc on micro-volume measurements, so it’s important to keep the sample surfaces super clean. Take3 plates are so easy to clean – simply wipe samples off after measurement with a laboratory wipe.
Read 2 µL microspots, BioCells or standard cuvettes
Along with 16 microspots, the Take3 plate can accept a standard 1 cm cuvette or 2 patented BioCells for rapid 1 cm measurements in a BioTek microplate spectrophotometer. The Take3 Trio offers 48 microspots and 2 BioCell positions.